10 Signs your Computer has Virus

Do you think that your antivirus is strong ? Or that your computer is completely virus free?
Check out if your device is showing any of these 10 signs. If yes then you definitely need to upgrade your security features.

1. The Computer is really slow.

10 Signs your Computer has Virus

2. Not Responding:

Nothing happens when you click on an icon or your software applications does not work correctly anymore.

10 Signs your Computer has Virus

3. Access Error :

When you can’t access your disk drives or hard drives.

10 Signs your Computer has Virus

4. Print Error:

When you are suddenly unable to print anything.

10 Signs your Computer has Virus

5. Your antivirus or firewall is suddenly disabled.

10 Signs your Computer has Virus

6. Constant Reboots :

System Reboots, Freezes up or crashes again and again for no reason.

10 Signs your Computer has Virus

7. Unwanted Downloads :

When unwanted software or applications are getting downloaded automatically or you have problems trying to install or download any antivirus software.

10 Signs your Computer has Virus

8. Pop-ups :

You start seeing strange pop-up windows stating that you have virus or that your computer is infected (the name of the program or scanner is something you have never heard of and you are not able to close the pop-up window.)

10 Signs your Computer has Virus

9. Advertisements:

You start seeing advertisement windows at unexpected (random) times.

10 Signs your Computer has Virus

10. Missing icons/files :

You seem to have suddenly lost the icons on the desktop or you have lost other program files in your folders.

10 Signs your Computer has Virus

That’s it .If your devices aren’t showing any of these signs then you actually have managed to be virus free. So Keep your antivirus software and security applications up to date to stay virus-free in future too.
I will also share the list of best antivirus to have in your home desktop/laptop in my coming articles.
Till then Stay tuned. 🙂

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Stay Secure ! Stay Happy !!

Taha Chatriwala

Spreading Cyber Security Knowledge to the people of this digital era !

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